

I love photography and eat good food. I have the biggest crush on my son and my husband and our new princess. My life revolve around them. I'm a part time domestic goddess and part time government slave. I used to extort people money through photography. That is the main reason why this blog exist. Sadly, time is my number one foe. He never let me multitask too much. But hey hey, cooking isn't that much time consuming. And i believed, a moms cook will make their kid love grow stronger in every munch. And yes ladies and gentlemen,I cook and I brag about it. So here goes. Here to a good picture and a good, easy, healthy home cooked dish! May you guys be inspired and COOK for the loved one! Insha Allah

Love Linda Latip

Friday, 23 December 2011

Resipi : Simplest Brownies recipe


Today husband give me green light to update more recipes online. Yeay! So nak update recipes brownies lah.. Actually brownies ni di ambil dan diubahsuai dari Rachael Ray punya resipi. After googling and found that her recipes is the simplest one.So i tried and succed!  Im not a baker and also  not a fan of cake. So this might be the one and only recipe that involve baking. So here goes.

1. 2 cups of sugar ( memang ada sukatan cup-cari penyukat yg guna sukatan macam ni ok)
2. 3 quarters of butter ( saya guna farmcows..mooooo)
3.  1/2 teaspoon salt
4.  3 eggs
5.  1 cup cocoa (im using van houten)
6.  1 cup flour (tepung gandum cap sauh sudahhh)
7.  1/2 cup of walnut and 1/2 cup of roasted almond (dedua ni tumbuk, jgn blend)

How now brown cow?:
 1. The easiest thing. Campurkan butter + garam + sugar and salt. Gaul and gaul.
2.  Masukkan telur (yg dipukul-dlm 1minit) setiap satu. Masuk satu-satu lah tu.
3.  Last sekali masukkan tepung and cocoa butter and the kekacangs.
4.  Preheat oven n bake!

I kid u not. The brownies is super delicious.

Senang kan. Si tangan  bangku macam saya pun berjaya. Bila keluar dari oven tu, u just bubuh aiskrim vanila atas dia. Pergh!!!!

Selamat mencuba!


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