

I love photography and eat good food. I have the biggest crush on my son and my husband and our new princess. My life revolve around them. I'm a part time domestic goddess and part time government slave. I used to extort people money through photography. That is the main reason why this blog exist. Sadly, time is my number one foe. He never let me multitask too much. But hey hey, cooking isn't that much time consuming. And i believed, a moms cook will make their kid love grow stronger in every munch. And yes ladies and gentlemen,I cook and I brag about it. So here goes. Here to a good picture and a good, easy, healthy home cooked dish! May you guys be inspired and COOK for the loved one! Insha Allah

Love Linda Latip

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Resipi : Asam Pedas Pari

Salam..yes..another recipe :)

Im just in the mood of sharing peeeeople! ehehe So Ini Asam Pedas Ikan Pari yang berempah. Tak la berempah sangat, tapi it is way thicker (pekat) and more spicy (berempah) than the usual KL Asam Pedas. My mak champion in cooking this one. Im just on my way to perfecting it. And my husband is a no help when he always gv me two thumbs up without any comment. Haha. I really think he shud at least give out comment so that i knew where to improve or whatnot haha. But sokay. That just him. hehe

So where do i start? Pasar! yes, pasar la. Sebab nak cari pari segar. Be careful with ikan pari yg tak segar, it will make your Asam Pedas taste different ya.

Ikan Pari/Kembung/Ikan Merah
1/2 sudu kecil ketumbar
1/2 sudu kecil jintan putih
1/2 sudu kecil lada hitam
ibu kunyit 1 cm
4 ulas bwg merah
2 ulas bwg putih
1/2 inci halia
1/2 inci belacan
Air Asam Jawa
Cili kering kisar
Daun kesum
Daun Limau Purut

1.  Ketumbar+Jintan Putih+Lada Hitam+ Kunyit tumbuk lumat and tumis dulu sampai naik bau
2. Bawang merah+putih+halia+belacan dimasukkan lepas tumisan no.1 naik bau
3.  Dah dedua naik bau, sila la masukkan cili kering yang dah dikisar menjadi cili boh tadi. Sampai naik bau juga then masukkan ikan.. And gaul kasi rasi
4. Lepas dah rasi baru la tuan/puan masukkan air asam jawa sedikit demiiiii sedikit. Sebaba kita taknak ilang kepekatan dia
5.  Pastu baru la masuk daun kesum and bendi
6. Masukkan abis air asam jawa ikut sukatan yang mau
7. Last skali bila dah pekat likat masuk la daun limau purut. Nyummmmm!
8. Makan sambil hirup² la sebab dia sedap sangat. Ops, terngeces airliyor sambil naip haha

So try lah! Naty cerita jadi or not ok :)

Hmmmmmmm! sedapnye~


Yuzie Amir said...

the best recipe ever!

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