

I love photography and eat good food. I have the biggest crush on my son and my husband and our new princess. My life revolve around them. I'm a part time domestic goddess and part time government slave. I used to extort people money through photography. That is the main reason why this blog exist. Sadly, time is my number one foe. He never let me multitask too much. But hey hey, cooking isn't that much time consuming. And i believed, a moms cook will make their kid love grow stronger in every munch. And yes ladies and gentlemen,I cook and I brag about it. So here goes. Here to a good picture and a good, easy, healthy home cooked dish! May you guys be inspired and COOK for the loved one! Insha Allah

Love Linda Latip

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Recipe : Beef Burger

Salam Maulidur Rasul ♥

Sselawat dan Salam buat junjungan mulia Nabi Muhammad SallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam yang dengan nikmat utusan ALLAH melalui Baginda, dapat kita nikmati nikmat Iman dan Islam pada hari ini.

Hari maulud and we r on holiday :) Alhamdulillah. Seronok dapat duduk kat rumah dengan husband and anak. Syukur kan :) Anyway, yes. Im making beef burger for brekkie today. A simple recipe indeed. I was actually doing some alteration from Jamie's recipe on his homepage.

Senang je rupanya. Rasanye superb and we can actually alter it according to our own citarasa. Saat  teringinnya nak makan home made burger ni bila tengok cafe kat office pun ade buat this kind of burger. Phew~ dia punya patties punya la tebal dan gelap! Masa lalu tepi meja (I'm already having Tomyam Campur with Nasi Goreng Kg at that time) sikit lagi nak order. But then, kang org kata bela pulak.. hahaha ok tak. sebenarnya dah full sangat tu yg tak order tapi tanam azam! Azam nak masak sendiri jugak! *haaaaaa~ insert spotlight pose pndang atas*  I can do it!!! ekekeke

So here is the ingredients: 
(sukatan ni boleh buat dalam 5-6 keping burger tapi ikut juga tebal n besar yg tuan/puan nak buat ok)
• 8 keping Jacob's cream cracker or any other brand pun boleh.
• 1 sudu besar dried parsley/ fresh parsley pun  boleh/daun sup
• 1/2 sudu kecil ground mustard
• 1/2 kilo daging cincang
• 1 biji telur size besar
• Garam & 1 sudu besar lada hitam tumbuk
• Olive oil
Biskut cream cracker tadi ramas² kasi jadi serbuk
Masukkan semua bahan kat atas, gaul sampai rasi. Bubuh la garam n lada hitam secukup rasa
Buat bentuk bulat ikut saiz bun anda la.
Then lepas bentuk, drizzle some olive oil, perap dlm fridge semalaman or 2-3 jam pn ok sebelum menggoreng

Tips: goreng daging boleh guna minyak but paling baik guna la pan yang tak melekat minyak nye. Memang tak mual burger. sehat pun sehat. sedap pun sedap sebab kita yg kontrol semua perisa yang nak masuk tu ok. Mcm biasa, jgn kedekut, kalau nk lebihkan sukatan² rempah kat atas pun bole. Lagi lebih lada hitam lagi bes. tpi hati² naty budak tak boleh makan lak :)

Selamat mencuba!

p/s : bila kita cakap burger, actually we are referring to the round shaped meat itself. Some call it patties :)

Campuran Bahan²

Daging burger yang dah dibentuk & drizzle with olive oil sebelum diperap

Sidekick dia kentang goreng w paprika n lettuce w tomato using lemon n olive oil dressing :)


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