

I love photography and eat good food. I have the biggest crush on my son and my husband and our new princess. My life revolve around them. I'm a part time domestic goddess and part time government slave. I used to extort people money through photography. That is the main reason why this blog exist. Sadly, time is my number one foe. He never let me multitask too much. But hey hey, cooking isn't that much time consuming. And i believed, a moms cook will make their kid love grow stronger in every munch. And yes ladies and gentlemen,I cook and I brag about it. So here goes. Here to a good picture and a good, easy, healthy home cooked dish! May you guys be inspired and COOK for the loved one! Insha Allah

Love Linda Latip

Sunday 24 February 2013

Resipi : Kek Pisang

Salam Ahad :)

Resipi kek pisang hari ni. Easy peasy. Bakar dalam pemanggang ajaib ye. No need oven whatseoever. Just your plain stove :) I went around on the web to find the easiest kek pisang.  Haha.

So here's the recipe that i tried last week.

Bahan-bahan :
150gm butter
200 gm tepung ( saya guna tepung multipurpose organik)
1/4 camca teh soda bikarbonat  (satukan dengan tepung di atas and ayak)
160gm gula perang (this actually can be adjust, nak manis lg tambah dan sebaliknya)
3 biji telur
100ml susu segar
100gm pisang (preferably pisang berangan) lecek
A few drops of esen pisang
50gm chocolate rice
2 biji pisang didadu besar

Cara :
1.  Putar mentega + gula perang sampai sebati. Masuk telur satu persatu. Putar till  kembang. Pada kelajuan perlahan, masukkan tepung+susu segar+tepung+susu segar sampai habis.
2. Masuk pisang lecek+esen pisang+choc urai+pisang yang dah didadu
3. Gaul sampai rata semua
4. Siap, tuang dalam pemanggang ajaib and burn baby burn. Dalam 20minit, kepanasan sederhana/kecil. 
Siap dan makan!

3S -See. Senang. Sedap!

Selamat mencuba!


Senang kan. Takyah masuk oven and takperlu sapu marjerin taknak bagi lekat.

See. Bau semerbak, rasa sedap!


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