

I love photography and eat good food. I have the biggest crush on my son and my husband and our new princess. My life revolve around them. I'm a part time domestic goddess and part time government slave. I used to extort people money through photography. That is the main reason why this blog exist. Sadly, time is my number one foe. He never let me multitask too much. But hey hey, cooking isn't that much time consuming. And i believed, a moms cook will make their kid love grow stronger in every munch. And yes ladies and gentlemen,I cook and I brag about it. So here goes. Here to a good picture and a good, easy, healthy home cooked dish! May you guys be inspired and COOK for the loved one! Insha Allah

Love Linda Latip

Saturday 10 March 2012

Resipi : Cekur Manis Udang Kering

Assalamualaikumwbt & Selamat Tengahari ♥

Weee~ Resipi mak saya! sapa suka sapa? Sedap nyah. Sebenarnya resipi ni dah lama mak selalu buat and actually this one di ambil pn gmbr masa mak tengah masak :) Mak saya the best cook in the world. iyeahhhh! Oh bytheway, seriously... kitorg anak beranak tak tahu pun nama masakan ni apa hahaha. Tapi tau la apa yang di masuk semua. So i end up dgn nama Cekur Manis ala Mak Yah. Tapi cam huduh lak. Sorry mak, so ktorg buh je la nama udang kering. Glemer kau udang kering. Padahal bukan kau pun susah² nak masak! ceh. haha

Anyway, ingredient senang sgt. Tapi rasa tebaboo yer. Check the recipe out. oh pjg lak nk type tu hehe

Cekur Manis, sapa tak tau boleh refer gambar.
Lada Hitam
Kelapa parut
Kunyit hidup
Bwg Putih
Bwg Merah
Udang kering
Jintan Manis

Tumbuk Lada hitam+Kunyit hidup+Udang Kering+kelapa parut
Bwg merah mayang+ Bwg putih smackdown sikit je
Tumis kan semua bahan di atas mengikut turutan bermula dgn rempah, bwg and kelapa. Then just threw in the cekur manis and gaul hingga sebati and angkat and Wallaaaaaaah~ siap satu lauk. serius sedap takmain tipu punya. Pastu goreng je ikan garing² makan dgn dia. perghhhh.

Nah, sekarang  pasar cari cekur manis and panaskan kuali masak!

Selamat mencuba!

p/s cekur manis selalu org masak lemak or masak air dgn labu or keledek. FYI lah :)

This wht u call Sweet Cekur ye madam.. hehe very cheap yet very delicious

Tadaaaa! how's that. Looks sedap, taste even nyummier!


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